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Dussumieri Tang

If you're a passionate aquarist, you may have heard of the dussumieri tang. This brilliantly colored fish is not only captivating to look at but also has an interesting history.

The dussumieri tang

The dussumieri tang, also known as the Eyestripe Surgeonfish, is a part of the Acanthuridae family. This family is made up of surgeonfish and tangs, which are typically found in the Indo-Pacific region. The dussumieri tang can be found in the Red Sea, off east Africa, and in the Arabian Sea. It's commonly found in coral reefs and is identifiable by the two white spots on its dorsal fin, the black stripes running across its eye, and its vivid orange color.

One unique feature of the dussumieri tang is its ability to communicate with other fish. It produces a variety of sounds, including grunts and pops, which can be heard up to 100 meters away. These sounds are made by the fish beating its swimmeret against its pectoral girdle, creating a sound similar to that of a snapping finger.

This fish is herbivorous and feeds on algae. It has a small mouth used for scraping on rocks and consuming algae and coral. Females can lay up to 5,000 eggs at a time, which are fertilized externally by males. The dussumieri tang can grow up to 30 cm in length and can live up to 30 years in the right conditions.

dussumieri tang

Why is the dussumieri tang a sought-after fish?

The dussumieri tang is considered a rare fish. This is partly due to its limited distribution and its slow growth rate, making it difficult to reproduce in captivity. The fish can fetch a relatively high price in the aquarium trade, making it a sought-after fish for collections. While it is not considered to be endangered, its rarity in captivity means that conservation efforts have been put into place to help preserve its natural habitat.

Question and Answer

What is the dussumieri tang's scientific name?

The dussumieri tang's scientific name is Acanthurus dussumieri.

Is the dussumieri tang difficult to care for in captivity?

As with all saltwater fish, caring for the dussumieri tang requires the right equipment and an appropriate tank environment. The fish is sensitive to high nitrate levels in the water and requires a varied diet that includes vegetable matter. It's best to purchase this fish from a reputable dealer who knows how to care for and acclimate them to a captive environment.

Can the dussumieri tang be kept with other fish?

The dussumieri tang is generally peaceful and can be kept with other fish, but it's important to consider the size of the tank. These fish require a lot of swimming space, so it's best to keep the dussumieri tang in a tank of at least 100 gallons.


The dussumieri tang is a beautiful, rare fish that can be a valuable addition to any aquarist's collection. Its unique features, including its brightly-colored orange body and communication skills, make it a fascinating fish to observe. While it requires special care in captivity, it's well worth it to see this stunning fish thrive in an aquarium environment.

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